hybrid it
Cisco ACI and Apprenda PaaS Integration Goes to Production
2 min read
“No-Ops” for Developers and “No-Dev” for IT Ops Analysts agree that IT is in the midst of a major transformation. Based on the results of latest Gartner enterprise IT buying behavior survey, the majority of spending is going towards modernizing, functionally expanding or substituting long-standing business and office applications with cloud-based software-as-a-service. According to […]
Up Close with Cisco CloudCenter (CliQr)
1 min read
Cloud platforms are increasingly a viable option for a growing set of enterprise applications and workloads. Application teams are uncompromising in their desire to build and deploy new applications into public cloud environments that deliver speed and choice. Industry analysts tell us that almost 50% of enterprise organizations are starting to build private clouds which […]
Red Hat Summit 2016: What You May Have Missed
2 min read
In case you missed the Red Hat Summit in San Francisco, it was most certainly an event well-worth attending …. there was even a wedding! Yes, that is not a typo. During the second day general session, Red Hat held an actual wedding ceremony. If you needed any tangible sign to convince yourself of the […]
Cisco CloudCenter Achieves Certified Integration with ServiceNow
4 min read
IT Service Management meets Hybrid IT Borrowing the signature song from the Lego Movie for an enterprise service management blog post is a stretch, but I couldn’t resist. If you’ve seen the Lego Movie you’ll know that the song is extremely catchy, you can’t stop singing “Everything is awesome, everything is cool when you’re part of a team”. The […]
Accelerate Hybrid IT Deployments with Cisco Data Center Innovations
1 min read
Cloud is now a fundamental part of IT landscapes. Enterprise and IT executives deal with large numbers of applications that are being versioned faster than ever before. Running IT is increasingly challenged to support line-of-business needs. To learn how to simplify application lifecycle management across multiple data centers, private clouds, managed private clouds, and public […]
Meeting the Challenge of Reselling Cloud Services
3 min read
Today’s Guest Blog comes to us courtesy of Steve Vicinanza, CEO of Cirrity. As a reseller, your customers depend on you to fully qualify and carefully select the products and services you recommend. This is especially true when you resell cloud computing services, which establish a dependency between the customer and the cloud provider. If the […]
Hybrid IT: It’s a Strategy Not Something You Build
2 min read
What do you think when you hear Hybrid IT? Does your mind go to a 3rd kind of not quite private, not quite public cloud that your team needs to build? Fear not. Hybrid IT is not another type of cloud but rather a strategy for your organization to quickly and cost-effectively deploy technology across multiple […]
Does Fast IT work in Government? It sure does: check out the case studies.
5 min read
In my previous post, I explained how CIOs are reinventing the mission and role of the IT department in order to support the Digital Transformation of their organisation. And that adopting a Fast IT model is less about technology and more about progressive cultural and process changes. But is this realistic for public sector organisations as well? It […]
New white paper: “Build your Strategic Roadmap to Fast IT”
2 min read
Fast IT has the power to completely transform the role and the value of IT to the business. It is a critical imperative for those CIOs who want to transform themselves from the mere owners of technology stacks to the drivers of their enterprise’s digital transformation. CIOs must reinvent the mission and role of the IT department. It’s […]