hybrid it
Are We Treating Cloud Just Like Another Data Center?
3 min read
Are we treating Cloud just like another Data Center? Yesterday at Google Next, Urs Hölzle quoted a great stat by RightScale – users waste 45% of cloud resources that they buy. While this number is not too far from what typically happens in traditional data centers, which operate at 20-30% of capacity on average, cloud promises a pay-per-use model. You provision and pay for only what you utilize. This promise leaves the user with the impression that they will effectively achieve 100% value—reducing costs significantly compared to an inefficient data center. And while Google’s new committed pricing model tries to lessen the impact, it does not address the root cause of the problem.
Millennials About To Rock…The Cloud Salutes You!
5 min read
Millennials are often judged as being ‘lazy, impatient and self-entitled.’ We want it all and we want it now (myself included!) But is that really a bad thing? Look at all the innovations that our impatience and need for convenience has sparked. The moment we wake up, we check our mails, read the day’s news and pay our bills all from the convenience of our smart phones. We ask Alexa to book us an Uber, grab our morning cuppa on the way to work, and pay for it all with our phone or even our watch. If there ever was a time when impatience was rewarded, it is now!
Check-In…to a IT Service Broker Model
3 min read
On a recent trip to Silicon Valley, I stayed at a Marriott near the office. Although it was my first time at this particular hotel, I generally knew what to expect; comforts of the room, consistency of friendly staff, pervasive wireless internet access, and a simple bottle of water upon arrival, having stayed at other Marriott properties in the past. I count on this familiarity, this experience, to keep my work/life balance in check while I travel. Many well-traveled IT Pros can relate to this scenario as it plays out many times a day, across multiple industries all over the world.
S’mores and Hybrid IT
3 min read
S'mores by the campfire. Cocktail hour and sunsets. Your favorite meal cooked by mom. People, processes, and technology. What do these all have in common? Sometimes the classics are timeless because they just work. Resilient. Always a go-to. Beautiful in their simplicity.
Cisco Live Berlin 2017: It’s All About You (and the Cloud)
5 min read
Cisco Live is about you. This is your time to learn, network, share insights and acquire hands on experience with our solutions in the DevNet Zone. Cisco Live features distinct programs enabling you to build a personalized agenda mapped to your individual interests. And .. as you would expect, one of the many technology tracks we feature is about Cloud.
Building resilient applications with Cisco Metacloud
3 min read
This post walks through the models for building resilient applications on OpenStack infrastructure with Cisco Metacloud, OpenStack Orchestration, and configuration management tools like Ansible. Agile Infrastructure, Some Background In 2001, when a group of software developers discussed a growing trend of lightweight methods for producing software, they decided to group those together and write a […]
Transform Your Business Engine
1 min read
IT is caught in a perfect storm of far-reaching changes. It’s all about the user experience. It is NOT about IT technology. Getting out of this storm takes transformation. Transformation requires automation. You can fight it and risk falling behind. Or begin your automation journey. Studies[1] indicate adopting automation delivers value back to the organization. […]
New IDC Study: Cloud Grows, But Few Are Maximizing Value
4 min read
Learn about the new IDC InfoBrief, sponsored by Cisco, Cloud Going Mainstream. All Are Trying, Some Are Benefiting; Few Are Maximizing Value.
Deploying application tiers across both data center and cloud
3 min read
So you want to deploy your database tier in the data center with an ACI managed network, and app server and web tiers in the public IaaS cloud? No problem. As applications are getting more complex, IT is getting more savvy about where individual tiers are deployed. With Cisco CloudCenter, you can automate application deployment […]