Celebrating our Heroes on Veterans Day
2 min read
We thank all of those serving or who have served in the U.S. military. We live freely today because of your sacrifice. The holiday season has always been a time for family and gratitude. And it is fitting that we thank and honor our Veterans at the beginning of this season. We are humbled by […]
Mobile Public Safety: Connections on the Job
2 min read
Public safety agencies continually strive to improve their effectiveness and responsiveness to incidents in their jurisdictions. With increased attention on homeland security programs, these agencies demand better interdepartmental and interagency communications with important personnel, including police officers and first responders in the field. Mobile applications supporting police, fire, and medical response units have transitioned from […]
Harford County Unveils Countywide Broadband Network (HMAN)
2 min read
On May 22, Harford County, Maryland held a press conference to announce its high-speed fiber optic based network, which will connect government buildings, schools, and libraries while reducing costs....
#CiscoPublicSafety Series: Fire Departments Improve Training with Telepresence
2 min read
There are roughly 10,000 firefighters in Los Angeles County who are responsible for the lives of 9.8 million residents. Getting the proper training for all of the fire departments in the county is of the utmost importance in order to maintain a safe community. Training difficulties Mandatory classes for all L.A. County firefighters are held […]
California Department of State Hospitals (DSH) Shares the Power of IoE to Enhance Security at CiscoLive!
2 min read
Today, the California Department of State Hospitals shared our story about the power of technology to deliver a safer work environment during a roundtable discussion at Cisco Live! During the session, I discussed the unique security challenges our organization faces in balancing its charters to provide hope and support to adults with serious mental illness […]
Cisco and Streetline Innovate for Smart Parking: Introducing Camera Based Detection and an Integrated Streetline IOT Gat …
4 min read
Parking is one of those universal challenges most people can relate to. Parking causes congestion on our city streets, contributes to pollution, and causes motorist frustration in most cities around the globe. As we look at ways to apply technology to tackle some of the most pressing issues facing our cities today, parking is ripe […]
#CiscoPublicSafety Series Kick-Off: New Technologies in Public Safety Systems
2 min read
We are very excited to announce the beginning of our new blog series on public safety. This series will include a number of posts that examine the intersection of technology and public safety as well as identify solutions to promote greater awareness and action. Having worked in this field for over 15 years, I am […]
Cisco and Miami-Dade County Seek to Revamp Local Public Transportation Systems
1 min read
Recently The Economist suggested Miami’s skyline could one day resemble Manhattan. And this could happen sooner than later due to the influx of Latin Americans, as well as Chinese, Europeans and Americans who are moving to Miami, not only to enjoy the weather, but the business opportunities. More than 50 new big towers are in […]
Building Bridges for the Future of Technology
2 min read
Technology in the public sector has revolutionized the way government agencies deliver services, conduct operations and secure sensitive information. Last week, I had the pleasure of learning from several prominent government leaders about how smart, visionary leaders have harnessed the power of new technology to transform the way they fulfill their respective missions. We started […]