DevNet Code Exchange

February 1, 2022


Tomcat Application Deployments and AppDynamics Insights with IST

2 min read

Learn how to deploy a legacy micro services Java app on VM based infrastructure with Cisco Intersight Services for Terraform (IST) and AppDynamics.

January 31, 2022


Progressing to Multi-Cloud Deployments with Automated Workflows

4 min read

See how Intersight Service for Terraform (IST) provides for automation with its integration with Terraform Cloud for Business, and Intersight Cloud Orchestrator (ICO) takes this a step further by building workflows around these foundational automations.

August 3, 2021


Using Django with Celery & WebSockets – Flexing the Network Device APIs Muscles with “johann” Par …

6 min read

Part 3 in the series focuses on the web-based network device monitoring tool application itself, the frameworks used, why they were chosen, and what the implementation looks like.

October 20, 2020


How (and Why) to Apply to Automation Exchange and Code Exchange

3 min read

The Code Exchange Challenge runs until Nov 14, 2020. Get your code approved to earn the "Code Contributor" T-shirt.

October 12, 2020


At DevNet Create, Innovation Starts With You

2 min read

Automation makes anything possible. And DevNet is here for you with the tools, resources, certifications, and a half million member strong community to help you out and cheer you on.

June 24, 2020


Secure Your Cisco DNA Center API Authentication with Vault

2 min read

What's the best way to secure your API keys? Get Kareem's quick and easy guide on how to integrate Vault within your code.

March 9, 2020


Finding Code for Network Automation Is Easier Than Ever

4 min read

Use the search capabilities and filters in Code Exchange to find code that matches your needs. Now over 600 repos!

January 28, 2019


Introducing Cisco DevNet Exchange

7 min read

The core concept of Cisco DevNet has been around empowering the developer, from learning labs and sandboxes to documentation. With open, programmable platforms, Cisco enables these developers to innovate, customize,...

January 11, 2019


Using Tetration for Application Security and Policy Enforcement

5 min read

Protecting assets within the enterprise requires the network manager to adopt automated methods of implementing policy on endpoints.