DevNet Code Exchange
Why Your GitHub Repo and Code Need a README
5 min read
It wasn't until I started treating my network infrastructure as code (IaC) that I really understood how to use GitHub, and how powerful source control could really be
Cisco DevNet Holiday Project Guide 2018
2 min read
Step right this way as here for you (for the third year now) is the popular DevNet Gift Guide. This year with a twist.
Syntax Highlighting For Network Engineers on DevNet Code Exchange
4 min read
Learn how Syntax Highlighting improves code readability to make it easier to derive context from an otherwise monochromatic block of text.
DevNet Code Exchange: Making Developers Lives Easier, a Cisco Champion Radio Podcast (S5|Ep.25)
4 min read
This episode of Cisco Champion Radio season five, episode 25, focuses on DevNet Code Exchange. Our guest on the show is Casey Bleeker from DevNet. Jeff Levensailor and Paul Giblin are our Cisco Champion hosts.