Unveiling the Magic Behind On-premises Infrastructure – DevOps Series, Part 4
2 min read
Once developers feel comfortable with their code, Ops needs to think about how it will go into the production environment -- on-premises (private) or in the Cloud (public)?
Setting a New Standard for Production-Grade Kubernetes
2 min read
Cisco's CloudCenter 4.9 and AppDynamics for Kubernetes illustrate our commitment to open source technologies that help our customers adopt at scale, in production, on premises, and in cloud environments.
Delivering On the Open Hybrid Cloud Promise with Kubernetes
2 min read
When it comes to multicloud, containers are among the most compelling technologies to emerge over the past few years, allowing applications to start faster, use less memory and run anywhere.
Managing Production-Grade Kubernetes in Production
5 min read
It is easy to download in install Kubernetes and get started. But what if you are running Kubernetes in production and supporting a range of application service teams from different business units?
A Day In the Life of a Modern Applications Developer – DevOps Series, Part 3
4 min read
Wouldn't it be nice to have developers and network operators (Dev and Ops) working together to alleviate issues and accelerate the introduction of new software capabilities in your applications?
Kubernetes Gains Momentum in the Enterprise
4 min read
Pretty clear that developers are choosing Kubernetes in droves to manage multi-host container installations. But why do developers love Kubernetes so much? What do they get out of it?
Live #CiscoChat April 25th — Kubernetes & Containers: Get on Board
1 min read
Questions about containers? Curious about Kubernetes? Join our next #CiscoChat on Twitter: Wednesday, April 25th, at 9 a.m. PST.
The Next Evolution of PaaS
3 min read
Breaking up is hard to do, but if it’s concerning PaaS and meeting the growing needs of enterprises and their developers, breaking up—or disaggregation—is exactly what should happen.
Managing Containers Made Easy with Kubernetes – DevOps Series, Part 2
3 min read
Kubernetes (aka: k8s) is the de facto standard for managing all aspects of your application containers. It can scale up to the biggest deployments or down to a cluster of Raspberry Pi.