Cisco Wi-Fi

December 1, 2015


Anywhere, Anytime Mobile Enterprise Access Using NFV and Policy

2 min read

 I remember when I started working, laptops were something that executives could borrow from the company.  Those laptops were clunky and connected via dial-up to the company’s modem banks, but they allowed us to continue to stay productive even when we traveling to visit customer sites.  Over time, laptops became more prevalent, allowing us to […]

November 18, 2015


Thanks to Cisco, Hospital Connects with Experts From Around the World

1 min read

Here’s a question that has troubled physicians for years: how can a specialist, who is thousands of miles away, examine a patient accurately enough to come to a diagnosis?  Patients at London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children (GOSH) are lucky that hospital administrators have come up with an answer: they rely on Cisco to […]

November 11, 2015


Expanding on Cisco’s Leadership in Policy Management

2 min read

In June, we announced that Cisco was recognized by Infonetics Research as a Leader in the Policy Management scorecard, based on feedback from service provider customers, vendor market share, market share momentum, financials, brand recognition, reputation for innovation, and other benchmarks. One area of strength highlighted in the scorecard was

November 2, 2015


Personalizing Consumer Engagements with Location Data and Analytics – Find Out How at Location & Context World

1 min read

Location, Location, Location. While location is always important in real estate (never more of an understatement than here in the San Francisco Bay Area), it’s becoming crucial in, well, LIFE itself. November 3-4 | Palo Alto, CA Let me explain the slightly dramatic statement.

October 29, 2015


Cisco Aironet Access Points Contribute to a Less Stressful Hospital

1 min read

There’s never an easy day in a hospital. When you have an IT infrastructure that is outdated and prone to breakdowns, a difficult job in the best circumstances can become a disheartened mess. Roper St. Francis (RSF) is one of South Carolina’s leading healthcare organizations and is in the top 10% of hospitals in the […]

October 29, 2015


Don’t Get Spooked by Location Services – There Are More Treats than Tricks

3 min read

November 3 – 4th, 2015 | Crowne Plaza, Palo Alto       The explosive growth in mobility, reaching over 11.5 billion devices and connections by 2019, is spawning unprecedented opportunities for businesses. With 74% of US smartphone owners now using location services – which are simply mobile technologies that identify location of people or […]

October 21, 2015


MazeMap and Cisco Lead the Way

2 min read

A CMX Partner Ecosystem Blog Ecosystem partners are an important adjunct to Cisco Connected Mobile Experience (CMX). They augment the analytic and customer engagement capabilities of the solution with innovative business outcomes. This blog is one in a series that will highlight several of our CMX Ecosystem Partners. Today—MazeMap. MazeMap is a provider of indoor […]

October 20, 2015


How 802.11ac Made Wireless the New Access

3 min read

In recent years, wireless has become the preferred means of access for networks. This change may be have been inevitable to some, but why did this happen? What...

October 20, 2015


Global Innovation Awards Won by Cisco Improve Customers Mobility Services

2 min read

The mobility product and solution teams here at Cisco are honored to be recognized this month by industry experts at two global events. Mobility IQ not only won the top prize for the “Most Innovative Big Data Platform/Service” at the 10th annual LTE Asia Awards on October 6th in Singapore, but it also won the […]