Cisco SP360
How Cisco Deployed the World’s Largest Converged Core Gateway
3 min read
Cisco's Converged Core gateway is a powerful and innovative solution that enables service providers to optimize their networking infrastructure as they adopt new technologies and gives customers a distinct edge in a highly competitive industry.
Building a Commercial Scale 4G/5G Cloud Native Architecture and Platform
4 min read
The transition to 5G provided an opportunity for the industry to leverage new technology developed to deploy applications across public and private clouds. By embracing a cloud-native architecture, the industry is steering in a new direction.
Boost your 80km links to 100G with QSFP-100G-ZR4-S optical modules
2 min read
Service providers and network operators are upgrading their networks from 10G to 100G at an accelerating pace. Until now, a simple and cost-effect solution for 80km reach links had been absent. Introducing the new pluggable optic module, the 100G ZR4.
Journey to a Converged Core, A Technical View
8 min read
Cisco has long been an industry leader in mobile cores and our Converged Core solution continues that leadership by delivering outcomes tightly aligned with our communication service provider customer needs.