Cisco Men for Inclusion

How to Foster Gender Diversity in the Workplace

2 min read

Diversity is no longer a “box to be checked” on an HR form. It’s a competitive strategy that fosters innovation and results in the best teams.

November 1, 2017


Unsung Heroes – My Cisco Brothers

2 min read

There is a tremendous amount of emotional tension in every industry right now as women come forward and reveal their struggles with sexual harassment, and even sexual assault, in the workplace through the recent viral #MeToo campaign. It is heartbreaking to read these accounts, but necessary to open the dialogue on how we ALL want […]

February 24, 2015


What empowers you to Be Fearless? #CiscoChat

1 min read

It's inevitable that at some point in our lives, whether it's personally or professionally, we all have and will experience...