Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences
Cisco and Mall of America Make Location Finding a Breeze
2 min read
"Ultimately, Cisco wireless lets us ensure that each guest has a positive experience every time they visit the property." #wireless
A Tale of Two Shopping Experiences
2 min read
It’s a scary time to be a retailer. Every day, new reports surface about another round of store closures. So how does today’s retailer stay relevant?
The Year of Network Innovations – Cisco DNA Ushers a New Era
3 min read
The biggest news of 2016 was the introduction of Cisco Digital Network Architecture (DNA). It revolutionized the way you deploy and manage your network with a software-driven architecture focused on automation, security, and analytics.
The Perfect Match: Mobility Express and CMX Cloud
2 min read
Peanut butter and jelly. Sonny and Cher. Han Solo and Princess Leia. Just a few examples of life’s greatest love stories. Sure, each one as a standalone is great, but...
Are You Ready to Test Drive Location Services?
1 min read
If you’ve been curious about location services, but always assumed it was complicated to deploy, too technical for non-IT folks, too expensive, or all of the above, hear me out. Perhaps you run a public-facing organization – maybe it’s a retail mall, hotel, an airport, or a café. In this new digital world, your customers […]
Cisco Wireless Network Turns Shopping into a More Pleasurable Experience
1 min read
Due to the overabundance of choices, going to the mall can sometimes make your head spin. One of France’s biggest property groups, Altarea Cogedim, recently built Qwartz in Villeneuve-la-Garenne. At this mall there are so many stores having so many sales, oftentimes just buying a pair of pants can be a harrowing experience for shoppers. […]
Personalizing Consumer Engagements with Location Data and Analytics – Find Out How at Location & Context World
1 min read
Location, Location, Location. While location is always important in real estate (never more of an understatement than here in the San Francisco Bay Area), it’s becoming crucial in, well, LIFE itself. November 3-4 | Palo Alto, CA Let me explain the slightly dramatic statement.
Don’t Get Spooked by Location Services – There Are More Treats than Tricks
3 min read
November 3 – 4th, 2015 | Crowne Plaza, Palo Alto The explosive growth in mobility, reaching over 11.5 billion devices and connections by 2019, is spawning unprecedented opportunities for businesses. With 74% of US smartphone owners now using location services – which are simply mobile technologies that identify location of people or […]
Best of Interop Winner: What is the Hype About Hyperlocation?
2 min read
Apparently a lot! And the Best of Interop Commitee this year in Las Vegas agree. Cisco is the proud recipient of the Best of Interop Award in 2015 for the Mobility/Wireless category. Understanding customer behavior is a key asset for any business. This is also true in the growing field of indoor location-based services such […]