If you’ve been curious about location services, but always assumed it was complicated to deploy, too technical for non-IT folks, too expensive, or all of the above, hear me out.
Perhaps you run a public-facing organization – maybe it’s a retail mall, hotel, an airport, or a café. In this new digital world, your customers walk through your doors and expect relevant and useful experiences. Great in-venue experiences ultimately translate to shoppers spending more time and money, or hospital patients and airport travelers feeling less stressed.
Behold Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences (CMX) Cloud, which my colleague Pushkar Sharma and I have talked about here and here. But to summarize, CMX Cloud is a SaaS solution that delivers presence analytics to optimize your operations and helps you create relevant engagement opportunities. Options for advanced capabilities coming soon. It’s simple to set up (no maps required!) and has an intuitive GUI that non-IT users can use.
Check out the video below to learn more.
We’re currently offering a 60-day free trial, so take CMX Cloud for a spin with zero commitment. If you’re just getting started with location services, CMX Cloud is the perfect way to explore whether location services can help you engage your customers and make better business decisions: http://cmxcloud.cisco.com.