
Steve Gansen

Senior Business Development Manager

Manufacturing Industry, Americas

Steve Gansen is a Senior Business Development Manager at Cisco, responsible for building and leading the go-to-market strategies for the Manufacturing Industry Vertical in the North American Market. With over 25 years’ experience, Steve has demonstrated skill in assisting organizations rethink the way they do business with a focus on globalization and business transformation with business outcomes for his employers and clients.

He is considered a strategist with a global operational/implementation client focus. His expertise includes both international and domestic client engagements across many if the manufacturing industries, but with a focus on CPG.

Before joining Cisco, Steve was the Global Account Manager for Rockwell Automation where he was responsible for developing and executing the sales strategy for Nestle both on the CAPEX and the OPEX business segments.

Steve has an in depth knowledge of the manufacturing business including user locations, machine builders, system integrators and channel partners.


July 17, 2024


5G or not to 5G….that is the manufacturing question!

3 min read

The manufacturing industry is experiencing seismic shifts, from the departure of skilled workers creating a talent gap to rising interest rates prompting constant budget re-evaluations. These factors, coupled with constant pressure to drive outcomes demands that we are business first, and technology second.

May 15, 2024


Embracing Machine-as-a-Service: Transforming Manufacturing

2 min read

Get ready to ride the wave of the future with Machine-as-a-Service (MaaS) — a concept that's set to revolutionize the manufacturing landscape. At Cisco, we're all about staying ahead of the curve, and we're here to help you navigate this thrilling new frontier. Let’s talk about the current state of things, what to expect, and how technology will play a role in the Manufacturing revolution.

May 17, 2019


Bottled Better: Coca-Cola’s Connected Factory approach

3 min read

When Coca-Cola Consolidated decided to connect 13 production plants, they turned to a trusted partner, Cisco, to help create a unique Connected Factory approach.

December 8, 2016


Navigating the Aging Workforce Tidal Wave

3 min read

The US manufacturing workforce is nearing retirement age, and we are faced with the challenge of ensuring our world class manufacturing base does not blink as we transition through these waters.

November 2, 2016


How Digital is Evolving Packaging

2 min read

Pack Expo is just around the corner (November 6-9) and you will see first hand the dynamic world of packaging that is accelerating to places we cannot even imagine!

August 9, 2016


Made in America…Again!

2 min read

If manufacturers can drive unnecessary cost out of their processes, they can bring back the jobs. Here are 8 innovative strategies to help.