Broadband Planning: Who Should Lead, and How?
3 min read
A realistic and inclusive broadband planning process is key to your project's success. You'll also need a strong leader. But who should lead and what should the process look like?
Student engagement: Tools to Overcome Inequity
4 min read
As classroom-based learning moves back to the front-burner, two new tools are driving the next generation of student engagement: cloud calling and intelligent endpoints.
The 3 Gifts: How Cisco Secretly Changes the World
3 min read
Kenn shares how Cisco's technology and work/life balance enabled him to work from Thailand while his wife tended to ailing parents, and about giving back to the local community.
Litter: The Real Fabric of our Lives?
3 min read
Kenn D. shares why he loves working in Cisco's Public Sector Marketing and how they gave back recently in picking up roadside litter.