DNS under attack
7 min read
Attacks against DNS is of significant concern. But what exactly is DNS? How is it being attacked? And what can be done to protect against these attacks?
Office 365 phishing
5 min read
Let’s be honest: administering email is a pain. Routing issues, disk quotas, bouncebacks, the times when users can send but not receive emails, receive but not send, or they flat...
Social media and black markets
3 min read
Cybercrime happens in hidden corners of the Internet, but also in social networks: Cisco Talos uncovered 74 criminal groups on Facebook. Fortunately, Cisco has a layered defense against cybercriminals.
Your money or your life: Digital extortion scams
5 min read
An insidious targeted phishing scam is growing in popularity: scammers leveraging threats against your reputation, your relationships, or even your life. Witness the transition from carrot to stick.
Today’s critical threats: A Cisco Security threat report
2 min read
Download a copy of our first 2019 Threat Report, Defending against today’s critical threats today and start prepping for the things that are likely to come.
SMB and the return of the worm
5 min read
Watch the threat landscape long enough, and you’ll see that some things are cyclical. Threat types and attack methods fall in and out of fashion. As the use of one...
Cryptomining: A sheep or a wolf?
7 min read
One of, if not the, most prominent motivators for threat actors is money. Whether it’s botnet owners renting out their services for DDoS attacks, tech support scammers cold-calling people to...