virtual expert

March 25, 2015


Enabling “The Easy” Button for Insurance

3 min read

Nearly a year ago, I wrote a blog titled, “Mayday for Insurance and Financial Services,” where I detailed how next-generation customer experience capabilities, such as virtual interactions between business experts and customers, are transforming business processes – such as the “Mayday” button technology offered on Amazon’s Kindle Fire HDX. The purpose of that blog was […]

July 31, 2014


Omnichannel Insurance Makes its Debut at PegaWorld

2 min read

We recently attended PegaWorld in National Harbor, Maryland, on June 8-10. The conference focused on how businesses today must adapt to technological innovation and utilize new solutions that deliver business agility and empower organizations so they can rapidly close execution gaps and seize new opportunities. Pega’s investment in a customer-centric strategy enables digital transformation, which […]

June 18, 2014


Tech Innovation Emerges within Carriers’ Legacy Environments

2 min read

Solution architectures are typically derived from open-ended questions designed to discover customer needs. However, Cisco approaches customers with insights-based assertions that rest on the belief that true innovation emerges from disruptive ideas that make customers aware of unknown needs. According to Gartner’s report “Agenda Overview for P&C and Life insurance 2014,” three concerns for change […]

What the Internet of Everything Means for Insurance

2 min read

Moving to one-to-one relationships: It’s incredible to think about the impact and influence. Cisco predicts $14.4 trillion of value will be “at stake” over the next decade, driven by “connecting the unconnected” through the Internet of Everything (IoE). IoE triggers a 19 trillion dollar global opportunity based upon the growth statistics of more than a […]

March 17, 2014


Mayday for Insurance and Financial Services

3 min read

According to Wikipedia, “mayday” is an emergency procedure word used internationally as a distress signal in voice procedure radio communications. It derives from the French expression “venez m’aider“, meaning “come to help me.” Most recently, the term has been used to describe a special feature Amazon now offers Kindle Fire HDX users when they need […]

February 18, 2014


The New Price of Attracting and Retaining Insurance Customers

2 min read

The insurance industry is facing a massive evolutionary shift driven by competition and changes in consumer preferences. The competitive battle is easy to see, as insurers delve out billions in advertising and marketing expenditures in an effort to attract and retain customers, while maintaining top of mind brand awareness and differentiation. And adding to the […]