VNF Testing and Validation – With Cisco There’s Never Been A Better Time #NeverBetter
4 min read
Cisco's VNF Onboarding Framework will accelerate service provider NFV adoption. Including validation and support of both Cisco and third party VNFs, there's never been a better time.
BCE Parting Shots
3 min read
May was a busy month for trade shows and industry events. So much so, that keynote after keynote, session after session began to blur together. Given the event filled month, I find myself thinking about some events more than others. In particular, I want to take the opportunity to take another look at the Big […]
6 min read
Written by David Ward, CTO of Engineering and Chief Architect, and Maciek Konstantynowicz, Distinguished Engineer; Chief Technology & Architecture Office For those that don’t want all the gory details, this is a short version of the longer blog conversation that can be found here. The longer blog goes into quite a bit of detail on the technology; […]
Growing Up Open Source
4 min read
Growing Up Open Source “I guess I got tired of waiting around for someone else to do it for me?” ~ Young Frank Walker. This quote was taken from the Movie “Tomorrowland.” This was the innocent response young Frank Walker gave when asked why he built a jet pack. I couldn’t find a better description […]