Cisco Co-Innovation Centers are Giving Connectivity a Health-Check
4 min read
Healthcare is something that, at one point or another, touches upon every single person – whether it’s their own health or that of older or more vulnerable relatives. Yet, across...
Cisco Live! Berlin: A Festival of Opportunity to Co-Innovate
3 min read
A festival of opportunity to co-create with startups presents itself at Cisco Live! Berlin, Feb. 20-24
Setting the Stage for Co-Innovation Success
3 min read
The new model for co-innovation can be messy. No longer a one-thing-at-a-time, linear methodology, today’s development process involves people from different organizations, with different backgrounds and cultures working on several different tracks at once, with rapid prototyping, real-time customer feedback, and multiple iterations all along the way. It involves frequent failures, fast recovery, and new […]
Co-Innovation Juices Overflowed at Cisco Live! Berlin
3 min read
During Cisco Live! in Berlin last week, 43,320 oranges were squeezed to fuel the creative juices of customers, partners and developers who converged to co-innovate around the Internet of Things. That’s a lot of orange juice! And what a smashing success! With more than 12,000 attendees and hundreds of thousands who joined online, this was […]
The Future of IoT Is Now: Proof at the upcoming IoT World Forum
2 min read
We’re now less than a week away from the Internet of Things World Forum, located in Dubai. This premier industry event, on December 6-8, will showcase many of the exciting transformations made possible by the Internet of Things (IoT) gaining momentum across the globe. The agenda is packed with keynotes by industry leaders, breakout sessions, […]
From Local to Global: Extending Our IoE Innovation Strategy with openBerlin and TTTech
2 min read
There are people all over the world doing truly innovative acts to move the technology needle, but without proper support, many of these ideas fail to come to true fruition. We at Cisco are committed to doing our part by guiding these creators towards a path of success. With both internal and external programs to […]