How NASA Taught Me to Shoot for the Stars – and Land at Cisco
3 min read
After completing college, Elke wasn't sure where her career would take her - until a trip to NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas left her inspired. Now that she's seen her career come full circle at Cisco - she couldn't be more proud of working for a company that, like NASA, dedicates itself to changing the world.
Cloud Unfiltered Podcast, Episode 20: Joshua McKenty, Pivotal Cloud Foundry
1 min read
Chew on this: Joshua McKenty started OpenStack at NASA. That’s right—started OpenStack at NASA. Then he started Piston, a company that sold an OpenStack distribution, which Cisco eventually bought. Now he works as the Field CTO at Pivotal Cloud Foundry, and boy does he have a lot of interesting things to say about the current […]
Drones: Just Buzz or Real Business?
2 min read
“Why Cisco?” I was asked repeatedly after speaking on a panel about drones. “Why not Cisco?” was my passionate response. The occasion was the recent NASA UTM Convention at Silicon Valley’s historic Moffett Field to explore creative traffic management solutions for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), popularly known as drones. At Cisco, we see a full […]
The Balance Between Technology and Humanity is Fueling Technology’s Popularity
2 min read
We are living in arguably the most exciting time in human history, and I’m mesmerized by how fast our world is evolving thanks to brilliant technologies and the sheer volume of inanimate objects that are connecting to the internet on a daily basis, forming the internet of everything (IoE). As much as it seems everything […]