Catching the Next Wave of Innovation in Routing and Automation
4 min read
This blog covers our perspective on the trends driving transformation, how we are addressing those with our customers, and how we are preparing for the even newer inflection points we see on the horizon.
Cisco Completes Acquisition of Acacia
1 min read
Cisco completed its acquisition of Acacia Communications, Inc., a company that designs and manufactures high-speed optical interconnect products and technologies. Acacia’s technology is very complementary to Cisco’s optical systems and optics strategy and reinforces its investment in the Internet for the Future with world-class coherent optical solutions for our customers.
Data Center Interconnect: Trends, Transitions and How Cisco’s Intent to Acquire Acacia Is a Game Changer for the Futur …
5 min read
Cisco's acquisition of Acacia Communications can help drive industry shifts in Data Center Interconnect (DCI) and Wide Area Networks (WAN) for Metro and Long Haul distances covering 10km to 10,000km.
Blurring the Lines between Online and Offline
2 min read
Mobility comes down to the lines between online and offline blurring rapidly, with organizations sprinting to put the infrastructure in place to catch up with the trend. The blurring of...