Event-Driven Programming with TriggerMesh
3 min read
How do you build event-driven applications in the cloud? We interview TriggerMesh co-founder Sebastien Goasguen about their ideas and solutions.
A Cloud Native Network for a Holographic KubeCon EU
3 min read
A new holographic video conferencing application makes its debut, as the Network Service Mesh (NSM) community demonstrates how to make networking cloud native.
Cloud-Native SD-WAN: The WAN Your Kubernetes Applications Deserve
5 min read
Cisco just introduced a project to improve SD-WAN and Kubernetes integration: Cloud-Native SD-WAN
Join Cisco at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 2019
2 min read
Our team is headed to the KubeCon + CloudNativeCon conference to showcase how Cisco enables DevOps teams to build faster, automated application delivery pipelines that work everywhere.
Cisco Open Source Update
2 min read
Across Cisco, each year we are increasing our code contributions across many new and existing open source projects... Visit Cisco at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe - May 2-4
Managing Production-Grade Kubernetes in Production
5 min read
It is easy to download in install Kubernetes and get started. But what if you are running Kubernetes in production and supporting a range of application service teams from different business units?
Fast, Scalable and Secure Openshift Networking with Cisco ACI
3 min read
With OpenShift Container Platform in private on-premise environments, Cisco provides networking on automated elastic physical infrastructure at the speed, reliability and efficiency expected from the public cloud.
Kubernetes: Industry Transformation 10 Years in the Making
5 min read
We’ve come a long way as an industry in last 10 years. As I travel to #KubeCon in Austin, I’m reflecting back on what has changed.
Cloud Unfiltered Podcast, Episode 28: VPP, Kubernetes, and FD.io with Ed Warnicke
1 min read
I know what you’re going to say when I reveal that this week’s guest is going to talk about Vector Packet Processing (VPP): “Why do we—the Cloud Unfiltered audience—care about VPP?! I mean, it’s a networking technology, right? And this is a cloud show. We’re here to talk cloud technology and share cloud strategies…not muck […]