Fast IT
How Cisco IT Solved Its Internal Cloud Dilemma
2 min read
Is your organization looking to build a cloud? You'll want to learn how Cisco’s John Manville leveraged an internal, private, infrastructure-as-a-service cloud to drive business value.
#HigherEdThursdays: Changing How IT is Consumed on (and off) Campus
2 min read
Universities are driving the need for IT consumption-based pricing models more than any other market segment. This is natural given the unique characteristics of their IT environments. First off they are at the forefront of the IT consumerization movement driven by new generations of students and work habits. With one fourth of the undergraduate population […]
The Need for a New IT Model: Fast IT and the Convergence of Mobility and Cloud for IoE
2 min read
Guess what? Convergence is happening again, and it’s happening at a faster pace with more profound implications than I have never seen before. Those of us who’ve been in the industry a long time have seen convergence happen over the years across various technologies and areas of IT. This time, we’re talking about convergence across […]
What will Security for the Network of the Future Look Like?
3 min read
In the next few years, there will be more mobile users and more mobile connections than ever: By 2018, there will be 4.9 billion mobile users, up from 4.1 billion in 2013, according to the newly released Cisco VNI forecast In addition, there will be 10 billion mobile-ready devices and connections, which includes 8 billion […]
Network Programmability Is Real: Five Use Cases for Our Disaster Recovery Cloud Services
3 min read
SunGard AS has more than 9000 enterprise customers who count on our cloud services and managed services when disaster strikes. Lately, we’ve seen that the “Internet of Everything” is changing customer expectations. Our customers want new types of cloud services—and they want them sooner. They’re also asking to provision and control the services on their […]
CiscoLive Milan Highlights: IoE, SDN and a lot of wine
4 min read
Aside from an ill-timed Milanese taxi strike and a lot of rain and snow, the first CiscoLive of 2014 was a fascinating week. Cisco EVP Rob Lloyd announced our latest Cisco ONE capabilities with a new APIC Enterprise module and the new Inter Cloud capability for moving workload (virtual machines) between private and public clouds. […]
The Internet of Everything and the Digital Industrial Economy
1 min read
As we continue to progress toward an Internet of Everything (IoE) digital world, organizations will need to think strategically about IT budgets and smart spending in order to keep pace with the changing landscape. CEO’s want a flexible, adaptable enterprise, and IT needs to deliver “fast IT” for them to achieve that. One part of […]