Cisco UCS X-Series

April 6, 2022


UCS X-Series The Future of Computing – Part 3 of 3

3 min read

UCX X-Series architecture is an amalgamation of new ideas, trends, and some bets in cohesive fashion  to enable heterogeneous  computing. It solves the existing needs and enables  customers to adopt and extend hybrid cloud model as needed while balancing TCO.

April 1, 2022


UCS X-Series- The Future of Computing – Part 2 of 3

4 min read

As we move to  widescale deployment, we believe that  UCS X-Series  architectural message is resonating extremely well as deployment feedback has been fantastic. In the first post part of the blog series, we discussed how heterogeneous computing  is causing paradigm shift in computing shaping UCS X-Series  architecture. In this blog we will discuss the electromechanical […]

March 25, 2022


Cisco UCS X-Series, Solution Test Drives

4 min read

Cisco UCS X-Series Modular System demonstrates excellent I/O performance as a precursor for planned Oracle Database 19c testing to announce in 2 weeks.

March 24, 2022


UCS X-Series – The Future of Computing – Part 1 of 3

2 min read

It has been more than decade since Cisco launched our UCS platform, a newcomer into the well-established enterprise server market. Rest is history. What has changed since then?

February 16, 2022


Disaggregating Memory May be the Most Exciting Trend for Computing System Design Right Now

4 min read

Just throwing more resources at difficult and complex challenges in high performance computing design willy-nilly can often be an inefficient solution. If the resources are not used smartly and efficiently, it can lead to a lot of waste and excess. A relevant example is internal storage in computing systems. In my first blog in this three part series, I discussed the rapid growth of key performance metrics across CPU/GPU cores, memory, network throughput, storage capacity, and peripheral interconnects. These numbers certainly attest to the sheer scale that the compute industry is willing to throw at the problem of how to support the explosion of workloads and applications that we are experiencing with the mainstream adoption of cloud, mobile, and social technologies. In this second blog in the series I talk about how memory upgrades in high performance computing design today are changing the rules of the future of hardware game.

January 24, 2022


Today’s Advancements in Compute Hardware Can Power the Next Generation of ‘Moonshots’

3 min read

Many computing performance advancements have been added to the latest Cisco UCS X-Series since its first iteration in 2009, thanks to the technological evolution of computer hardware in the industry today compared to yesteryear.

January 18, 2022


Cisco UCS and Cisco MDS

3 min read

The joint adoption of Cisco UCS compute systems and Cisco MDS 9000 Series of storage networking switches provides a significant benefit to the enterprise: advanced design options, easier management and better support.

December 10, 2021


UCS X-Series unboxes two CRN Awards

1 min read

Cisco receives two awards from CRN. UCS X-Series has become the fasting ramping UCS server for Cisco. Our customers are choosing UCS X-Series because they really appreciate the modular design that allows them to future proof their environment for the next decade and the Intersight operating model.

November 10, 2021


UCS X-Series – Computing for the next decade

2 min read

Cisco UCS X-Series offer the flexibility to support modern, traditional enterprise, and scale-out apps, helping IT teams gain agility and better respond to dynamic business requirements.