Cisco Government Solutions

April 6, 2016


What Our Next President Needs to Know about U.S. Technology Policy

2 min read

After the early caucuses and primaries, it’s a mistake to pretend that voters aren’t angry with conventional, middle-of-the-road solutions. The next President isn’t going to limp to the finish line with a warmed-over, spiced-up version of the past. He or she is going to have to make fundamental changes, and that includes to our country’s […]

February 9, 2016


Voting for America’s Success: How the Next President Should Change U.S. Tech Policy

2 min read

2016 is a big year for many reasons, but one of the biggest is that it is the year where we will elect the 45th President of the United States. Currently, there are many different candidates running on many different platforms, all with varying ideas of which policy issues are the most important. However, some […]

January 12, 2016


New Year’s Resolutions for CIOs

1 min read

As 2016 begins, people all around the world are making resolutions to improve themselves in the coming year. While you might be dedicating yourself exercising more and eating healthier, I encourage everyone in government IT to think about resolutions you can make to help your organizations better embrace digital transformation. In no role is this […]

December 21, 2015


Customer Spotlight: Aurora, Illinois is now the City of Light Speed

2 min read

Aurora is the second largest city in Illinois, and its municipal government employees are spread across 52 different buildings. This means that the ability to collaborate with these dispersed locations is extremely important – our goal is to ensure that city employees can provide the highest level of service to our residents. Our problem, historically, […]

October 22, 2015


Public Safety Series: EOCs Harness Video to Improve Emergency Response

2 min read

Last month, I had the opportunity to speak with PoliceOne about how Cisco solutions are helping to improve public safety in an area most people aren’t aware of: emergency operations centers. Emergency operations centers, or EOCs, are the center of disaster response efforts, helping to coordinate the first responders and distribute information to decision-makers in […]

October 15, 2015


Public Safety Series: How the City of McAllen Transformed their Judicial Process with Video Solutions

2 min read

In my last blog post in the Public Safety Series, I discussed how police forces could use video technologies to improve their training programs. In addition to training, there are numerous other ways that law enforcement agencies can utilize video solutions to both operate more efficiently as a department and improve officers’ ability to protect […]

September 28, 2015


How IoE Helps the Navy Connect the Open Ocean

3 min read

The Internet of Everything will have far-reaching effects in a multitude of industries over the next few years. There will be an estimated 50 billion devices and objects connected to the internet by 2020. The movement toward an increasingly connected world is already transforming operations in the retail, finance and healthcare industries. The government is […]

September 21, 2015


Video Interpretation Solutions Help Ensure Equality in the Justice System

3 min read

While I was thinking about the topic of my second post in the court series leading up to the CTC conference in September, I came across an interesting news article. The state of California just announced that it will now provide court interpreters for free in all court cases. In the past, the state – […]

June 17, 2015


Security Is a Top Priority for Feds and Should Be Moving Forward

2 min read

It’s no secret that security is top priority for the federal government. It seems like every week we are hearing about a new threat, hack, or breach that has hit an agency. In just the past few weeks, we’ve heard about significant breaches that have resulted in both citizen and federal employee information being compromised. […]