Cisco DevNet Create

November 19, 2021


Secure Code Warriors – Final Battle Winners

3 min read

Meet the three winners of the Secure Code Warrior tournament held during Cisco DevNet Create 2021.

October 29, 2021


Finding Cisco DevNet Elite Secure Code Warriors

3 min read

Hear about the Secure Code Warrior Challenge at Cisco DevNet Create: how it went, the winners, and of course what happens next!

October 28, 2021


10 “Must See” DevNet Create Videos

3 min read

There were sessions for app designers, API creators, and infrastructure operators. For expert coders and for people just starting out. All session videos are now available.

October 19, 2021


Pair Programming with AI: How Cisco Works with Tabnine

2 min read

See how Tabnine enables team programming with an autocomplete-like tool that predicts what you want to write based on the code you/your team has written previously, as well as best open-source coding practices.

October 18, 2021


Lights!.. Camera!.. Catch “APIs in Action” at DevNet Create

3 min read

The APIs in Action channel is filled with demos, new technology overviews, and insights into new tools, creations, and trainings that can help you stay at the forefront of innovation. It's free. it's global. It's virtual. And there's still time to register.

October 15, 2021


See How This Software Dev Team Builds a Great User Experience

2 min read

See how designing for a good user experience can speed up the software implementation process and do wonders during the solution adoption phase.

October 13, 2021


“Creators Channel” Showcases Community Innovation

2 min read

Watch sessions presented by some of the most active and inspiring members of the DevNet community. Along with the experts, you'll dig into topics around AI/ML, hybrid cloud, Meraki, and much more.

October 12, 2021


Start Now to Build a Foundation in Automation

1 min read

The "Start Now Channel" at DevNet Create is loaded with great sessions that will introduce you to tools and tips for a successful journey in network programming or application development with Cisco.

October 11, 2021


How Test Automation Accelerates Continuous Delivery of Applications

2 min read

See how Keysight's Eggplant solution uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to auto-generates test automation assets for one of the most popular enterprise applications.