Cisco Connected World Technology Report

April 2, 2013


Cisco Sizzle – March Edition

1 min read

Welcome to the Cisco Sizzle! Each month, we’re rounding up the best of the best from across our social media channels for your reading pleasure. From the most read blog posts to the top engaging content on Facebook or LinkedIn, catch up on things you might have missed, or on the articles you just want […]

February 13, 2013


Wifi password please?

Back in the days, I was one of those students who wanted the most up to date scientific calculators and the latest design of the Trapper Keeper notebook.  These days, it’s the wifi access the students want, to stay connected anytime, anywhere on their smartphones or tablets. According to the Cisco Connected World Technology Report more […]

January 11, 2013


New Year’s Resolution: Digital Diet

2 min read

Today’s students are connected. This past holiday break, I was reminded just how much Gen Y (18-30 year olds) requires anytime access to the tools in their life. I came to the realization that board games and cards may become a thing of the past.    If you don’t have a smartphone and/or tablet, you’re considered […]

December 18, 2012


The Smartphone Gets Which Side of the Bed?

2 min read

A whopping 90% of young people use their smartphones to help them face the day …often BEFORE they get out of bed. Even before a cup of coffee, young people grab their smartphone. They’re checking it for emails, texts and social media updates. The phone has become as much a morning ritual as the toothbrush. […]