Cisco 8000 Series Routers

February 20, 2020


Quenching the Never-ending Thirst for Capacity and Scale

5 min read

Here’s what we need: build a data center that can support billions of unique server sessions per day. Also, let’s have it bring up personalized images, video, and other rich media content for hundreds of millions of people, simultaneously, the second they hit our servers. Learn how Cisco is quenching the thirst for capacity and scale.

February 6, 2020


Service Providers: Join Cisco at MWC 2020

3 min read

See what Service Providers can expect from Cisco's presence at MWC 2020 in Barcelona. Learn how you can grow revenue, save money, and mitigate risk. We will also highlight all of the demonstrations you can experience at our booth from Open vRAN to our newest innovations - Silicon One and Cisco 8000 Series.

December 13, 2019


Reinventing the Internet: Solving Communication Service Provider Bandwidth Issues with Better Network Design

2 min read

The key to making any network redesign effective is doing it in a way that tackles the bandwith problem while changing the economics of building and operating networks at the same time.

December 11, 2019


Cisco Goes SONiC on New Networking Platforms

2 min read

Thanks to our continued collaboration with Microsoft and the SONiC community, today we are announcing SONiC/SAI support on our brand-new routing platforms, the Cisco 8000 Series. This represents the first truly integrated approach to supporting SONiC on both fixed and modular routers.