Alex Goryachev

September 29, 2016


Building Blocks for Your Own Innovation Disruption (Part 3)

5 min read

Are you ready? It’s time to complete the foundation and launch your own innovation disruption—companywide. This is the last of my three-part series. I lay out the final three building blocks needed to shake up bureaucracies and turn them into startup-like cultures. To transform employees into entrepreneurs. To fire up innovation. And to jumpstart disruptive, […]

August 25, 2016


Pokémon Go: 5 Innovation Lessons from this Augmented Reality Check

4 min read

Whether Pokémon Go is a fad or new franchise, the social phenomenon shows how to spot, adapt, and lead market transitions.

August 18, 2016


Interview w/ Alex Goryachev, the Mastermind behind Cisco’s Grandest Innovation Challenge

9 min read

NOTE: The  conversation below on how to ignite innovation first appeared on the web site of TeskaLabs, a Europe-based security startup selected to join the IDEALondon program, powered by Cisco, DJ Thomson and University College of London. A big thanks to Cindy Dam, TeskaLab’s marketing and community manager, for permission to re-post her Q&A blog. […]

August 11, 2016


Building Blocks for an Innovation Disruption (Part 2)

6 min read

Thomas Edison once said, “Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.” Yet even today, when there’s never been a better time to innovate, many still believe that all you need is the next brilliant idea to disrupt markets. Wrong. In today’s digital world, innovation takes as much perspiration, preparation and process as ever. […]

July 27, 2016


”Innovation Grand Challenge: Where Are They Now” – Eigen Innovations

3 min read

To be competitive, to thrive—maybe even survive, disruptive change is required. And this need for change is seemingly non-stop across business, industry, and entire countries. But how do we keep up? At Cisco, we believe the answer is digital transformation. It’s the pathway for improving citizen services, increasing efficiencies—you name it.

July 22, 2016


“Innovation Grand Challenge: Where Are They Now” – CyberFlow Analytics

4 min read

The Cisco Innovation Grand Challenge is an exciting way for us to uncover new opportunities and game-changing trends. It’s also a great way for entrepreneurs and startups to further their ideas. And the good news is we’re still accepting submissions to the challenge until August 31.

July 8, 2016


Building Blocks for your own Innovation Disruption (Part 1)

6 min read

Cisco’s first company-wide innovation challenge, which disrupted all job functions and geographies, attracted widespread interest outside the company. Inquiries from innovation pros, articles in Network World, podcasts with the Human Capital Institute and Innovation Leader, and invitations to share best practices all ask: