
Today more than ever, networks are transforming the way organizations operate and are touching more people through a wider range of devices than ever before. Achieving a secure infrastructure is increasingly complex with today’s mobility, collaboration and cloud services added to the mix. These new capabilities offer much operational efficiency and reduce costs, but they also introduce additional risk to the network. 

Today’s government and corporate leaders overwhelmingly identify cyber security and associated trust issues as two of their top IT concerns. In response, nations are increasingly cooperating to evolve a global standard to assure a base level of security for networking products. Known as the Common Criteria, this international program is critical to ensuring that organizations get the equipment they need, the equipment performs as advertised, and it is as secure as claimed.

The frequently asked question for both government and business is: If we have a choice of products, why not buy certified?

Take a look at this article, Achieving Network Security with Common Criteria, by Gene Keeling, director, Global Certification Team, Cisco that discusses how certifications, such as Common Criteria, can provide the assurance of a product’s security by diminishing risks of threats. Get up to the minute updates on Cisco product certifications from the official Cisco Global Certification Team twitter, @CiscoCertTeam!


Kathleen Wilson

Sr. Manager, Marketing and Communications

Security and Trust Organizations