
Stop where you are and consider this: there’s a colossal chance you’re reading this text on your mobile phone. Are you? Maybe not, but probably so.

However, even if you’re not reading this text on your phone, statistics suggest you’ve read an article or a blog or some other web-based text on your mobile phone in the last 24 hours. And not surprisingly – our phones have become an extension of our bodies.

But 10 years ago, this was a novelty. 10 years ago, we were in the midst of an era where we simply had to imagine what was possible in the future of mobile.

Look around you: we’ve come a long way.

The greatest accomplishments in the world start by imagining. Imagining what could be – what might be. Imagining how to improve, how to excel. Imagining how to change, and how to create what’s never been before.

And, now, we invite you to imagine the future with Intuitive IT. IT that informs, connects, predicts and enables. Imagine what’s possible. And discover what’s possible with us on June 10-14 in Orlando.

Welcome to Cisco Live 2018.

As mobile penetration reaches saturation and ARPU plateaus, service providers must focus on growing revenue via new streams and transforming their businesses. And with 5G on the horizon, they’ll need to identify and prepare for key use cases, while overcoming the challenge of automating across many complex solutions and operations that must work together harmoniously.

Sound familiar?

Attend our speaking sessions addressing these issues to learn about best practices, useful solutions, and how we can help you succeed.





Monday, June 11

1:30 PM  5G Technology Updates

Tuesday, June 12

8:00 AM Deployment case study of Cisco Virtual Packet Core  Solution

1:30 PM Virtual Mobile Packet Core Troubleshooting

4:30 PM How Cisco and COX IT are working together to Enhance Automation

Wednesday, June 13

8:00 AM Cisco IOT in a 5G World

1:30 PM 5G Mobile Transport Design and Deployments

Thursday, June 14

1:30 PM Deploying 5G use cases with Network Slicing


Service providers have a distinct honor in today’s world:

You connect us.

You empower us.

You transform us.

Only you can create a 5G world through intuitive IT. But we can help.

Let’s imagine the future of intuitive IT. Together.

Learn more about:



Steve Yager

Vice President Global Service Providers Services

Advanced Services