
July 24, 2013


Increasing the Value and Relevance of Data in Motion

3 min read

If you’ve been following my past blogs and presentations, you’ve heard me talk about “Data in Motion.” That’s the catch-all term used to describe the swelling flood of data that is at maximum value while still in motion (and often at that fleeting moment in which it is created). Data in Motion requires rapid, real-time […]

Surprising Wisdom from Tracked Trash

1 min read

The Internet of Everything portends a world filled with trillions of sensors and while their practical applications seem clear – sensing water loss, traffic patterns, the growth of forests – it’s the unforeseen knowledge that they can produce that is going to be exciting in the future. Here’s a project that opened a few eyes: […]

The Monetization of Me: Calculating the Return on Exposure

4 min read

In a hyper-connected world, every consumer is continuously making a trade-off between the value of information and/or services they are receiving and the impact on privacy.  I believe this comparison amounts to a “Return on Exposure” — a value exchange in which the consumer must determine if the value they’re receiving is worth what they […]

Networking Academy Students Hone Skills at Cisco Live!

1 min read

This blog was written with Jess Wells and originally appeared on the Executive Symposium at Cisco Live! As the Cisco Executive Symposium, IT Management Program, and Cisco Live open their doors, I’m reminded that it takes a village, and working hard in the village here are students from the Cisco Networking Academy who – alongside Cisco engineers […]

Five Truths about the Internet of Everything

4 min read

I’ve been spending a lot of time talking and thinking about a world in which everything is connected.  The Internet of Everything isn’t some futuristic Idea that we are dreaming about, it’s charging forward at incredible speed and everything is being connected.  I’d like to look at five characteristics or truths about IOE that are […]

Continuing Conversation: Rick Smolan and the human face of big data

5 min read

As more devices, people and things become connected to the Internet, an unprecedented amount of data will be generated: data which can become a powerful tool for solving some of the greatest challenges facing our planet. I spoke with well-known photojournalist Rick Smolan about how we can turn data into wisdom, and the importance of capturing data in real […]

Collaboration in the New Age of Convergence

2 min read

I was in the grocery store when I realized that something new was going on: our entrance into the era of computing that I call convergence — the convergence of man and machine – is already changing the face of collaboration. In the recent past, collaboration did a great job of connecting people to people […]

Birth of a New Class of Data in the Internet of Everything

2 min read

Data generated by people and data generated by machines is actually quite different and as we move from the Internet of Things to the Internet of Everything, this has some pretty interesting implications. Data generated by things or machines is actually quite structured: A sensor is programmed or created to produce only a specific type […]

December 18, 2012


The Smartphone Gets Which Side of the Bed?

2 min read

A whopping 90% of young people use their smartphones to help them face the day …often BEFORE they get out of bed. Even before a cup of coffee, young people grab their smartphone. They’re checking it for emails, texts and social media updates. The phone has become as much a morning ritual as the toothbrush. […]

December 3, 2012


Is there a human face behind big data?

6 min read

As more devices, people and things become connected to the Internet, an unprecedented amount of data will be generated: data which can become a powerful tool for solving some of the greatest challenges facing our planet. I joined well-known photojournalist Rick Smolan and other speakers in New York City at Mission Control last month to share my thoughts on how to turn […]