solution central

September 23, 2014


Growing Sales and Increasing Marketing Response with the “Right Stuff”

3 min read

In this new era of big data, every savvy Partner wonders how can we use more customer intelligence to fuel our business. How do we use it to gauge when to approach customers? How doe we use it to identify new opportunities, migrate customers, customize solutions, and get to real business outcomes faster?

September 18, 2014


Grow Your Leads and Increase Deal Size with Personalization

2 min read

Starting customer meetings with business outcome discussions sounds great in theory. But how much difference does it really make? A huge difference. Here’s how it works.

September 8, 2014


Focus on Business Priorities to Unlock New Sales Opportunities

2 min read

Many Cisco Partners are well aware that Line of Business and Operations technology budgets are growing much faster than IT budgets.

July 28, 2014


Three Steps for IT to Deliver Better Business Results

3 min read

The situation that many IT people find themselves in today is dripping with irony. They’ve deployed so many innovations over the years to address so many business challenges, that now most of their time is dedicated to simply keeping their systems running. Without incremental resources during these lean budget times, their new innovation cycles decline […]