Practical Tips for Safekeeping your Mobile Devices
4 min read
Now when I’m talking about safekeeping a mobile device, I’m not saying don’t use your Kindle by the pool or let your toddler play on the iPad while eating ice cream. These are dangerous things to be doing with a gadget, but today I want to focus more on the data within that device, rather […]
A Culture of Transparency
4 min read
Many Cisco customers with an interest in product security are aware of our security advisories and other publications issued by our Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT). That awareness is probably more acute than usual following the recent Cisco IOS Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication on September 25. But many may not be aware of […]
One Week After April First, It’s No Joke
1 min read
April first falls on a Tuesday next year. The following Tuesday is Microsoft’s monthly security update. It will be the last monthly security update for the Windows XP operating system. About one third of the computers with Windows operating systems on the Internet today are still running Windows XP, an operating system almost 15 years […]
Cisco’s onePK Part 2: Reaching out to a Network Element
8 min read
Exordium In the previous installment of the onePK series, you received a crash course on Cisco’s onePK. In this article, you’ll take the next step with a fun little exposé on onePK’s C API. You will learn how to write a simple program to reach out and connect to a network element. This is staple […]
Making Boring Logs Interesting
6 min read
This post centers around the practice of logging data - data from applications, devices, and networks - and how the components of data logging can help in the identification and remediation of network events.
Wireless Security Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
4 min read
As we continue our series of blog posts during National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM), we focus today on some best common practices that can be used both at home and in the workplace to enhance the overall security posture of your Wireless Networks.
Razzle Dazzle v2.0
2 min read
During World War I, British artist and navy officer Norman Wilkinson proposed the use of "Dazzle Camouflage" on ships. The concept behind Dazzle Camouflage, as Wilkinson explained, was to “paint...
Ten Simple Ways to Enhance Cyber Security for You and Others
5 min read
Hi there and welcome to today's U.S. National Cyber Security Awareness Month tip, courtesy of those of us involved in administering and/or contributing to Cisco Security Intelligence Operations!! For...
A Weekly Dose of Cyber Security Awareness
2 min read
In any given week, one doesn't need to look very far to be reminded of the events and issues that can surface anytime, anywhere, and to anyone. Given their modes...