Readiness for Future Wars Aided By Intelligent Networks
4 min read
We fight the next war with tools created for the last one, but intelligent networks help military forces adapt faster.
New Iraqi National IP and Optical Network
1 min read
The nation of Iraq is frequently in the news, but up until now not because of its ultra-modern IP and optical network. This week we announced that Cisco is playing a key role to restore and rebuild the Iraqi National Backbone, a multi-layer IP and optical project that both spans a long-haul terrestrial route from […]
Technology Helps Reduce High Unemployment Among Post-9/11 Veterans
1 min read
On March 8, reported that the unemployment rate among post-9/11 U.S. military veterans was 9.4 percent in February, well above the national unemployment average of 7.7 percent. Nearly 1 in 10 ex-service members who served in Iraq and Afghanistan is hunting for a job, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The […]