
August 11, 2017


Readiness for Future Wars Aided By Intelligent Networks

4 min read

We fight the next war with tools created for the last one, but intelligent networks help military forces adapt faster.

October 19, 2016


New Iraqi National IP and Optical Network

1 min read

The nation of Iraq is frequently in the news, but up until now not because of its ultra-modern IP and optical network. This week we announced that Cisco is playing a key role to restore and rebuild the Iraqi National Backbone, a multi-layer IP and optical project that both spans a long-haul terrestrial route from […]

Technology Helps Reduce High Unemployment Among Post-9/11 Veterans

1 min read

On March 8, reported that the unemployment rate among post-9/11 U.S. military veterans was 9.4 percent in February, well above the national unemployment average of 7.7 percent. Nearly 1 in 10 ex-service members who served in Iraq and Afghanistan is hunting for a job, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The […]