Enterprise Networks and the Drive for IPv6
1 min read
It was not that long ago that whenever I read an article about IPv6, it usually discussed how the IPv4 Address depletion in other countries. At that time, the adoption of IPv6 was coming from other countries that where the v4 address space was depleted, the US Government, or Service Provider. Well fast forward only […]
ASR 9000 Family earns IPv6 Certifications!
The Global Certification Team is proud to announce that the Cisco Aggregate Services Routers (ASR) 9000 series have completed USGv6 Certification on software version 4.2.1 or later, with USGv6 SMU....
How to Find and Measure IPv6 Traffic on Your Network
My last post was all about finding IPv6 prefixes on the IPv6 Internet. I think the next natural question is “What about IPv6 traffic?” or more specifically, “What about IPv6 traffic on my network?” In this post, I’ll talk about some network tools, or instrumentation, that can be used to find and measure IPv6 traffic […]
Cisco Live London 2013: IPv6 Security Lab Recap
This post summarizes, on behalf of the instructors of the course, the experiences of delivering the IPv6 Security Lab session recently at Cisco Live London 2013.
Get Moving to V6 World Congress 2013
By Gina Nienaber, Marketing Manager, Service Provider (SP) Marketing Routing and Switching The theme of this year’s V6 World Congress, happening in Paris, March 19-22, is “Going Mobile.” With the advent of the Internet of Everything and the proliferation of mobile devices well underway, there will be a lot to talk about. And this year, […]
Catalyst 3560 and 3750 achieve USGv6 and Ready Logo Certifications!
1 min read
The Global Certification Team is proud to announce that the Cisco Catalyst 3560 and 3750 have earned USGv6 and Ready Logo certifications! Specifically, the Catalyst 3560C, 3560X, 3560E, 3560V2 and the Catalyst 3750X, 3750E, 3750V2 were certified on IOS 15.0(2)SE or later. The details of the individual certifications can be found below: USGv6: https://www.iol.unh.edu/services/testing/ipv6/usgv6tested.php Ready Logo 3560: https://www.ipv6ready.org/db/index.php/public/logo/02-C-000895/ […]
Cisco Catalyst 4500-X earns USGv6 and Ready Logo Certifications!
1 min read
The Global Certification Team is proud to announce that the Cisco Catalyst 4500-X has earned USGv6 and Ready Logo certifications! The 4500-X was certified on IOS XE version 15.1(1)SG. The details of the individual certifications can be found below: USGv6: https://www.iol.unh.edu/services/testing/ipv6/usgv6tested.php Ready Logo: https://www.ipv6ready.org/db/index.php/public/logo/02-C-000884/ The fixed-aggregation Cisco Catalyst 4500-X Series Switches deliver best-in-class scalability, simplified network virtualization, and […]
End of the World Revisited: No More IPs!
1 min read
We’ve posted this before, but in honor of the end of the Mayan calendar and the destruction of the world which was forecast for today we’re posting it again. In our mind, not having any more IP addresses would be a terrible event – if you’re going to build the Internet of Everything you need […]
Where’s My IPv6 Prefix? Part Deux
4 min read
My previous post examined how a regional Provider Independent (PI) prefix is propagated across the Internet. This post discusses the second aspect of the issue: how does Provider Assigned/Aggregateable (PA) space propagate across the Internet?