Cisco-Docker Alliance Update
2 min read
Cisco and Docker continue to expand their partnership to make it easier for enterprise customers to realize the benefits of containers. Today we announced a new application modernization program with Docker and new Cisco advanced services.
Accelerate Container Adoption – Meet Cisco at DockerCon
2 min read
It’s DockerCon time again! We are excited to be the Gold Sponsor of the conference this year and looking forward to engaging with the community to accelerate the momentum in container adoption. If you are planning to attend this premier container community and industry conference, meet the Cisco team to learn how many organizations just like yours are deploying cloud-native applications and successfully modernizing traditional applications using Docker and Cisco products.
Cisco and Docker – Enabling Modern Apps with an Open Strategy
4 min read
Cisco and Docker are working with our ecosystem of strategic partners and the open source community to develop open and unique solutions. This alliance is another step in the strategy Cisco has been implementing for the past several years.
Cisco – Docker Alliance Will Address a Wide Range of Customer Requirements
3 min read
Together with Docker we are delivering unique and open solutions that help IT organizations rapidly and efficiently build, ship and run their containerized applications.
ING Direct Australia Builds a Private Cloud for More Agile Development
1 min read
We all know that there’s a lot of hype around cloud computing. While many companies won’t move their data to a public cloud anytime soon, the private cloud option is very compelling. IDC estimates that spending on private cloud IT infrastructure will grow by 11.1% year over year to $13.9 billion. Those are pretty impressive numbers. The challenge […]
Red Hat Summit 2016: What You May Have Missed
2 min read
In case you missed the Red Hat Summit in San Francisco, it was most certainly an event well-worth attending …. there was even a wedding! Yes, that is not a typo. During the second day general session, Red Hat held an actual wedding ceremony. If you needed any tangible sign to convince yourself of the […]
OpenStack Can Be Complicated .. But It Does Not Have To Be
2 min read
Another debate is over … and I am not referring to the US presidential election … I am referring to the growing maturity of OpenStack and its level of adoption in the marketplace. Over 7,500 people attended the last OpenStack Summit in Austin, TX. The energy at the event was palpable. Various organizations stepped forward […]
Accelerate your Path to Digital Workplace Transformation with Desktop and App Virtualization
3 min read
We’ve all heard that digital business transformation is upon us. Organizations are transforming processes and business models in order to get to market faster and foster innovation. Disruptive business models are replacing established players, from Netflix vs. Blockbuster to Uber and the taxi industry; we’re all familiar with the many proof points. An important step […]
Cisco UCS Integrated Infrastructure for OpenStack: Enabling Reliable OpenStack Cloud for Enterprises
3 min read
Companies are going through a change in the way they conduct their businesses and digital transformation is paving the way. IT services and applications are distributed and beyond the traditional boundaries of the data center. Cloud adoption is a big part of the transformation. Enterprises are looking at multiple cloud technologies from established and emerging […]