#HigherEdThursdays – Meeting the Community College Boom
2 min read
For the past five years we’ve witnessed a surge in demand for community colleges across the U.S. The reasons for this demand are varied. There are professionals who have been let go from work, there are adult learners who desire new skills and there are traditional students continuing their education in greater numbers. Much of […]
#HigherEdThursdays: Virtualizing Dual Enrollment
2 min read
This time of year is always exciting – with students going off to college, coming home from college, graduating, switching majors and sometimes changing schools. It’s especially exciting when we hear stories like that of the 16 year old Florida student who received her college degree days ahead of her high school diploma. Reading that […]
#HigherEdThursdays: Changing How IT is Consumed on (and off) Campus
2 min read
Universities are driving the need for IT consumption-based pricing models more than any other market segment. This is natural given the unique characteristics of their IT environments. First off they are at the forefront of the IT consumerization movement driven by new generations of students and work habits. With one fourth of the undergraduate population […]
#HigherEdThursdays: New Models for Online Learning
2 min read
Mark Twain once remarked, when asked about issues related to plagiarism, “Substantially all ideas are second-hand, consciously and unconsciously drawn from a million outside sources;” and so it goes with online learning. Is there such a thing as a new model for online learning? After all, online learning has been done, in a number of […]
#HigherEdThursdays: Current Trends and Challenges in Higher Education
3 min read
We are all seeing colleges and universities across the nation experiencing a massive disruption in how they deliver quality learning experiences to their students. Those that continue down the path of status quo will miss this shift and become obsolete at best and out of business at best. In his New York Times article, “Innovation […]
Innovations in Higher Education: New Thursday Blog Series
1 min read
Most of us have seen the incredible progress and subsequent challenges in the arena of higher education, and there’s no doubt it’s been a big topic of discussion amongst the Cisco Education Team. So, we are excited to announce an upcoming blog series that will highlight some of the key trends, challenges and innovations we […]
CyberPatriot Competition Kicks-Off with a Bright Start
3 min read
The sixth season of the National CyberPatriot Competition kicked off back in November, and the National Finals are coming up: March 26th – 29th. Conceived by the Air Force Association, CyberPatriot is a premier Internet defense competition designed to excite, educate, and motivate the next generation of network defenders, which are critical to our nation’s […]
Bringing Back Music Education to Our Schools
1 min read
While many are arguing the existence of a comeback in liberal arts education, too many public schools are seeing a decline in arts education due to budget and resource cuts. The benefits of music and arts education are well documented, but we continue to see schools losing music programs. Unfortunately, cutting music programs in public […]
Cisco Supports Goals of Presidential Initiative to Connect More Schools and Libraries to the Internet
4 min read
Cisco – with more than 15 years of experience in implementing technology solutions in K-12 schools — strongly supports the goals of President Obama’s initiative to connect more schools and libraries to the Internet, and at faster speeds. We understand that technology is changing the world. Our children aren’t just competing against the kids down […]