Dynamic Bandwidth Selection

February 9, 2016


Expanding Your Network, Creating More Bandwidth

3 min read

When you think about it, your network is a lot like the road to a small town on the cusp of an incredible population explosion. There’s a nice infrastructure supporting the small amount of people leaving and returning, and that’s all that’s needed. As more people find out about this wonderful place, the town grows […]

July 31, 2015


Miercom Agrees: Cisco Controllers with Dynamic Bandwidth Selection are the Tops

3 min read

Cisco recently introduced another addition to its Radio Resource Management (RRM) algorithm – Dynamic Bandwidth Selection (DBS). Previously, controllers only had the ability to automatically assign channels and power levels, while the AP channel widths were manually assigned for each AP Group. A choice of 20MHz, 40MHz, or 80MHz channel widths were offered within the […]

May 8, 2015


Enhancing HDX: Introducing Dynamic Bandwidth Selection – Automatically Choosing the “Best” Channel Width

3 min read

Cisco Systems is announcing a new set of features that enhance its HDX (High Density Experience) suite. This blog is the first in a series that explains the new features that comprise the enhancements to HDX. Every advancement in Wi-Fi technology comes with corresponding complexities and tradeoffs.  You just don’t get something for nothing. For […]