Cisco SIO
Ten Simple Ways to Enhance Cyber Security for You and Others
5 min read
Hi there and welcome to today's U.S. National Cyber Security Awareness Month tip, courtesy of those of us involved in administering and/or contributing to Cisco Security Intelligence Operations!! For...
Using DNS RPZ to Block Malicious DNS Requests
3 min read
After delivering several presentations at Cisco Live and Cisco Connect this year, I received a few questions regarding DNS Response Policy Zones (RPZ) and how can they be used to block DNS resolution to known malicious hosts and sites. I decided to write this short post to explain what it is and provide several pointers. […]
A Weekly Dose of Cyber Security Awareness
2 min read
In any given week, one doesn't need to look very far to be reminded of the events and issues that can surface anytime, anywhere, and to anyone. Given their modes...
Cisco Security Intelligence Operations NCSAM 2013
1 min read
For the last couple of years, Cisco Security Intelligence Operations has released a series of blog posts for National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. The theme for this month from the National Cyber Security Alliance is “Our Shared Responsibility.” The Department of Homeland Security is running a series on this theme, as are many other private organizations. Our action and inaction […]
Summary of Microsoft Security Bulletin for August 2013
1 min read
That’s right folks, today is Patch Tuesday and Microsoft has published its monthly security bulletin for August 2013. The bulletins address a total of 23 vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Microsoft Exchange. These vulnerabilities could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code, cause a denial of service condition, or gain elevated privileges. […]
Cisco Live USA 2013: Recap from a Network Security Engineer
3 min read
Having just returned home to New Jersey from Cisco Live US in Orlando, Florida, I thought I’d share my experiences as a Network Security Engineer both attending and presenting at this year’s conference. There were approximately 20,000 attendees at this year’s conference, which I believe set a new Cisco Live attendance record! Considering the huge size […]
BYOD: Many Call It Bring Your Own Malware (BYOM)
4 min read
It is not new that people are referring to Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) as Bring Your Own Malware (BYOM). In 2012 alone, Android malware encounters grew 2,577 percent (for details, see Cisco’s Annual Security Report). Many organizations are struggling to keep up with the BYOD trend by allowing employees to bring their favorite gadgets […]
Miscreants and the Principle of Least Effort
2 min read
Back in the old days, when security was much more of an afterthought, it was obvious that miscreants were familiar with the principle of least effort. Information security was still in its Wild West days. Managed disclosure and patching did not really exist. Most companies were just coming to realize they would need to put […]
Cisco’s onePK Part 1: Introduction
6 min read
Exordium Cisco’s One Platform Kit (onePK) is a fantastic toolkit for building custom applications that interact with your Cisco routers and switches. Using onePK, you can build automation directly into the network and extend all sorts of functionality using Cisco devices. The first in a three-part blog series, this article will introduce onePK to the reader, explain […]