Cisco Mobility
Order Up! The Cisco Aironet 1850 AP is Now Available!
1 min read
During the Cisco Live! event in San Diego, CA, the Aironet 1850 Access Point was unveiled to the public. Now Cisco has followed up the device’s debut and has announced the orderability and the shipping of the Aironet 1850 AP. A perfect fit for any small or medium-sized networks, the Cisco Aironet 1850 AP is […]
Cisco and Illinois School District Make Learning Fun
1 min read
Morris (IL) Elementary School District 54 had a problem. The district had recently purchased and outfitted their students with 450 Chromebooks...
Miercom Agrees: Cisco Controllers with Dynamic Bandwidth Selection are the Tops
3 min read
Cisco recently introduced another addition to its Radio Resource Management (RRM) algorithm – Dynamic Bandwidth Selection (DBS). Previously, controllers only had the ability to automatically assign channels and power levels, while the AP channel widths were manually assigned for each AP Group. A choice of 20MHz, 40MHz, or 80MHz channel widths were offered within the […]
Miercom Verified: The Cisco 5520 Wireless Controller is Ready for Your Next Generation of Wireless Networks!
2 min read
Businesses around the world are moving their focus from Mobile Apps to Mobile Experience. With Wi-Fi extending reliable coverage into public places, your users are going to expect the same service from you—a dependable high-speed user experience. The problem is, user devices are increasingly demanding more bandwidth. How are you going to meet that demand? […]
This Summer’s Blockbuster starring Cisco Wireless
2 min read
Last summer Cisco embarked on the ‘WLAN Express’ journey with the introduction of WLAN Express Setup. As I wrote about here, the Express Setup provides an easy three-step wizard to establish a best-in-class Enterprise wireless solution. These best practices are enabled by default, meaning that the solution is Cisco-powered and ready to go in matter […]
Aislelabs and Cisco Take Off
2 min read
A CMX Partner Ecosystem Blog Ecosystem partners are an important adjunct to Cisco Connected Mobile Experience (CMX). They augment the analytic and customer engagement capabilities of the solution with innovative business outcomes. This blog is one in a series that will highlight several of our CMX Ecosystem Partners. Today—Aislelabs. Based in Toronto, Canada, Aislelabs is […]
Passpoint™ Wi-Fi and CMX Connect – Seamless and Secure
2 min read
Throughout the next couple of months, I’ve decided to blog about the great technology Passpoint™ Wi-Fi and how CMX Connect can help. Since this is a series of blogs...
Cisco 5520 and 8540 Wireless Controllers – Powering Next-Generation Wireless Networks
2 min read
Cisco 5520 Wireless Controller
Putting Cisco on the Map at ONS
1 min read
When one of the oil and gas industry’s largest events needed a solution to save resources, time and money, they called Cisco. At the Offshore Northern Seas (ONS) conference, organizers wanted to find a way to eliminate the paper maps, guides and updates that needed to be printed for the over 90,000 attendees and 1,300 […]