Black Hat

August 22, 2013


How Secure is Your Mobile Worker?

2 min read

How well do you know your mobile worker? Understanding the mobile worker’s perceptions and behaviors will offer a better view on the potential security implications your organization must manage. Cisco recently released a new global infographic and white paper, the Cisco Connected World International Mobile Security study. They explore the mobile worker’s view points concerning […]

August 6, 2013


BREACH, CRIME and Black Hat

3 min read

During the last three years, the security research community has been having a lot of fun with SSL/TLS uncovering a few nifty attacks. First, in 2011, Juliano Rizzo and Thai Duong released the details about the BEAST attack on Transport Layer Security (TLS) at the ekoparty Security Conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I wrote a […]

Hacking Made Easy – Courtesy of IoT

3 min read

For most of us, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives and promises to become even more prevalent in the near future due to the emerging technological revolution called the Internet of Things (IoT). The number of connected objects now exceeds the world’s human population, and is expected to grow exponentially over […]

July 30, 2013


How Secure is Your Secure Access?

1 min read

In June, I attended the Gartner Security Summit in Washington, D.C. where I was asked by quite a few security executives, “My network folks just bought ISE, but what is ISE and what type of security does it provide?”  Fast forward to July, and I wish I had this SANS review on ISE to offer […]

May 15, 2013


Network Threat Defense at Black Hat 2013

1 min read

Join us at Black Hat 2013 in Las Vegas this July, for our two-day hands-on Network Threat Defense, Countermeasures, and Controls course. Courses will be offered on July 27-28 and July 29-30, and attendees will learn and perform two network security roles. First, as a Security Practitioner, you’ll learn to secure and harden network infrastructure devices, and second, as […]