Black Hat

August 24, 2023


ThousandEyes Pi4 Wireless Deployment at Black Hat USA

15 min read

Read how Validated Design TMEs deployed ThousandEyes on Pi4s wirelessly on the Black Hat USA 2023 network to provide network assurance and actionable insights.

December 22, 2022


Black Hat Europe 2022 NOC: When planning meets execution

11 min read

Cisco is a Premium Partner of the Black Hat NOC, and is the Official Wired & Wireless Network Equipment, Mobile Device Management, DNS (Domain Name Service) and Malware Analysis Provider.

December 22, 2022


Black Hat Europe 2022 NOC: The SOC Inside the NOC

11 min read

Cisco is a Premium Partner of the Black Hat NOC, and is the Official Wired & Wireless Network Equipment, Mobile Device Management, DNS (Domain Name Service) and Malware Analysis Provider.

August 29, 2022


Black Hat USA 2022: Creating Hacker Summer Camp

24 min read

From our joint success at Black Hat Asia 2022, Cisco was invited to build the network for the Black Hat USA flagship conference, known as ‘Hacker Summer Camp’.