2014 annual security report
Cisco 2014 Annual Security Report: Threat Intelligence Offers View into Network Compromises
2 min read
Thanks to extensive detection telemetry and analytics, we have a clear view into the attackers and malicious actors that are infiltrating Internet infrastructure and using trusted applications as a foothold for gaining access to networks. As explained in the Cisco 2014 Annual Security Report, online criminals continue to develop more sophisticated methods for breaching security […]
Cisco 2014 Annual Security Report: Cybercriminals Applying “Old” Techniques in New Ways
2 min read
We know that as time goes on, the cybercrime network’s operations will only more closely resemble those of any legitimate, sophisticated business network. And like all enterprising businesspeople, those who are part of the “cybercriminal hierarchy”—which is discussed in the Cisco 2014 Annual Security Report and illustrated below—look to increase their profits by continually innovating […]
Securing the Future Enterprise
3 min read
This blog post is part three of a three-part series discussing how organizations can address mobile security concerns through an architectural approach to mobility. The first post discusses how next-gen...
Mobile Security: Is the Risk Worth the Reward?
3 min read
This blog is part two of a three-part blog series discussing how organizations can address mobile security concerns through an architectural approach to mobility. In my first