
Every year when I go to write this blog, I can’t believe how quickly the time has passed. While I could talk about the difficulties we faced this year, I’d rather take a few minutes of your time to share a few wins.

Karren Brady, British business executive and television personality, has said, “The most important characteristics you need to succeed in business are resilience, determination, and persistence.”

Our Americas Distributors had an excellent year, full of dedication and hard work to provide their partners with the right tools, solutions, and offers to escalate customer satisfaction and success. The level of resilience, determination, and persistence was what enabled us together to Fuel Partner Success.

I’d like to share three examples of successes we’ve had in 2022.

  1. Managed Services is an area where we forecast to have a great deal of opportunity; however, finding the perfect match between distributor, partner, and end user can be a challenge in certain situations. This distributor was able to utilize their various routes to market to sell Cisco to the right 2-tier partner through our Agency Model. Engaging in this model, the partner was able to become a VAR through the distributor’s streamline process.
  2. Since Cisco has specific qualifications for selling our solutions, this distributor was able to use their tool to help the partner sell to the end user, but also enabled the partner to get their Enterprise Agreement certification. The distributor is there to ensure the EA is properly managed and adopted to support the partner while closing the loop with the end user on choosing, using, and loving Cisco solutions.
  3. Since distributors support partners with end user insights, this distributor aided the partner with opportunity analytics, highlighting timely renewals, and worked to help them expand sales to drive growth within their existing customer base. To provide smoother transactions, this distributor’s solution provides real time updates.

These real-world examples of how our distributors drive value is greater than a sales number, it’s about enabling success within their partners and to the end user to make “getting stuff done” easier. I have been fortunate to speak to our distributors and hear these stories live. These teams are driving true resilience, determination, and persistence in their partnerships with Cisco, partners, and the end users.

The coming weeks are a time to be with family and friends, but also recharge for the year ahead. I wish you all the happiest of holidays and offer my congratulations to all for a wonderful 2022.


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John Brookbank

Vice President, Americas Distribution Sales

WW Partner Sales