Industrial IoT

Explore Cisco’s solutions for your industrial networking needs. Learn how to protect your business from cyber security threats, drive IT/OT collaboration, deploy and manage at scale, and gain operational resiliency.

Your industrial network is not a commodity: it is strategic to your success

Your industrial network is not a commodity: it is strategic to your success

Your industrial network directly impacts operational efficiency, security, long-term costs, and the ability to leverage future technologies.

Cisco Live U.S. Industrial IoT Summit Wrap Up: AI, Innovation, and Cybersecurity

Cisco Live U.S. Industrial IoT Summit Wrap Up: AI, Innovation, and Cybersecurity

CLUS Industrial IoT Summit top customer concerns were cybersecurity, the IT/OT workforce gap, and the urgent need to modernize networks in the age of AI.

NIS2 for manufacturing organizations: 3 steps towards compliance

NIS2 for manufacturing organizations: 3 steps towards compliance

NIS2 mandates manufacturing organizations to implement stronger cybersecurity measures. Learn more about the directive and how to prepare.

May 30, 2024


E80 Group secures its AGVs with Cisco industrial solutions and Italtel system integration

4 min read

Picture a factory floor. The air hangs heavy, thick with the metallic tang of machinery and the oil that keeps it all turning. Every square foot seems to be utilized. Rows of hulking machines dominate the space. Between them are narrow pathways that workers and machines must navigate. These are the conditions for which E80 […]

April 17, 2024


The network effect: The secret weapon for smart manufacturing

3 min read

A network is more than a collection of switches, routers, and access points. It is the foundation for a smart infrastructure that can unlock Industry 4.0 innovations.

February 22, 2024


Securing the power grid: Are you ready for NERC CIP’s upcoming mandate?

3 min read

NERC has proposed a set of new cybersecurity requirements to ensure there is no gap in how power utilities secure their grid operations. Learn what they are and how Cisco can help you implement these new capabilities to drive compliance.

Explore Cisco Industrial IoT

Improve business outcomes with our end-to-end Industrial IoT solutions. Securely connect assets, applications, and data in real time to apply transformative business changes.