May 11, 2021


Cisco Welcomes Waldo McMillan as Head of the Washington, DC Office

2 min read

Waldo McMillan joins the Washington, DC team to lead Cisco's engagements with the White House, Congress and Cabinet agencies. He will accelerate our efforts to build relationships with leaders in Washington, to help power an inclusive future for all.

April 29, 2021


Artificial Intelligence: driving innovation while safeguarding ethics and privacy

4 min read

In line with Cisco’s purpose, we choose to use technology responsibly, to power an inclusive future for all. We recognize ethical issues arise with the design and use of AI, and that is why we proactively address risks around privacy and trust through regulation.

April 21, 2021


Cisco Systems statement on Climate Change and President Biden’s Infrastructure Proposal

1 min read

Chuck Robbins confirms Cisco's belief that President Biden's proposal to ensure high-quality, affordable broadband connectivity for all Americans — no matter who they are or where they live — will be key to fostering prosperous and sustainable communities.

March 18, 2021


Cisco Statement on House Passage of the American Dream and Promise Act of 2021

1 min read

We at Cisco applaud the House of Representatives for passing permanent legislative protection for Dreamers. Today, they are one step closer to a permanent legal solution that would allow them to become citizens in the nation they know as home.

February 23, 2021


Statement of Chuck Robbins, Chairman & CEO of Cisco Systems, Inc., on the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

1 min read

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 recognizes the vital role that technology plays in supporting remote healthcare, distance learning, remote work, and high-quality broadband connections, which will enable us to truly build an inclusive future for all.

January 28, 2021


Are Openness and Security Both Possible in a 5G World?

2 min read

Well-designed, open wireless network architectures using Open RAN can actually yield security benefits over closed architectures, but federally-funded research is a critical step on that path.

December 10, 2020


Digital recovery demands higher security

2 min read

The ambition of Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, to leverage the EU’s recovery effort and fund to accelerate the digital transformation of our economy has gathered a large consensus in Brussels and in member states. Rightfully so. One thing the pandemic has made clear: a more digitized economy calls for ever-reinforced […]

December 8, 2020


Congratulations to FCC Commissioner Nathan Simington

1 min read

Statement from Cisco’s Jeff Campbell, Senior Vice President of Global Government Affairs, the Americas: On behalf of Cisco, we congratulate Nathan Simington on his appointment and Senate confirmation as he becomes the new FCC commissioner. We look forward to working with him on bridging the digital divide, increasing spectrum for better, more reliable wireless technology, […]

October 12, 2020


Reliance on Video Teleconferencing Highlights the Importance of Security and Privacy

2 min read

Given the world’s recent dependency on video teleconferencing companies and technologies, it’s now more important than ever that users scrutinize the privacy implications of how these technologies are built, deployed, operated, and used.