April 15, 2020


Supporting our governments and communities as they navigate a new reality

5 min read

Cisco has taken on complex challenges from the very beginning. It’s at the core of who we are.  Across the Americas and across our company, we believe in using our technology to help others. We pledge to continue helping those in government lead their citizens through this unprecedented time.

April 1, 2020


FCC’s 6GHz Proposal Marks the Next Great Leap in Wireless Technology

2 min read

Today marks a milestone in the evolution of Wi-Fi technology. Thanks to Chairman Pai’s proposal, the FCC plans to make an additional 1,200 megahertz of spectrum available for unlicensed use. This represents the first spectrum allocation for Wi-Fi since 2003 and it couldn’t have come at a more critical time. Wi-Fi is already the most […]

March 29, 2020


Helping Governments and Citizens Respond During These Extraordinary Times

4 min read

Cisco is committed to helping our customers, partners, communities as well as governments across Europe, Middle East, and Africa, and around the world, take advantage of technology to reduce the impact of COVID-19.

March 6, 2020


Uncovering the Human-Centric Approach to Privacy

2 min read

Cisco hosted EU Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders, and other data protection leaders from Europe for a discussion about Cisco’s recently-published Data Privacy Benchmark Study and the business value of privacy.

February 19, 2020


Connectivity is at the Heart of Powering a Digitally Transformed Europe

3 min read

Cisco welcomes the European Commission’s new strategy released today on Shaping Europe’s Digital Future. The Commission’s focus on bringing digital into Europe’s mainstream economy and society is a powerful way to restore our global technological leadership and ensure the digital transformation is inclusive of all. As we laid out in our new Annual Internet Report, […]

February 19, 2020


European Leadership on Artificial Intelligence

3 min read

The European Commission’s White Paper on Artificial Intelligence (AI) published today shines a light on some critical issues facing the development of the technology in Europe.  Safety, transparency and accountability are rightly top of mind. If taken forward in the right way, the conclusions set out in today’s whitepaper could help unlock the benefits of […]

February 18, 2020


Cisco’s Annual Internet Report Measures Future Growth in Cyberattacks Associated with the Acceleration of Technology

3 min read

Cisco today launched its Annual Internet Report, which assesses mobile, Wi-Fi and fixed broadband networking with quantitative projections on the growth of users, devices and connections over a five-year forecast period (2018–2023). The most alarming finding: the number of cyberattacks will double by 2023. Specifically: Cyberattacks will double from 9 million in 2018 to 15.4 million […]

February 18, 2020


Cisco’s Annual Internet Report Shows the Massive Growth of Europe’s Digital Future for EU Policymakers

3 min read

Cisco’s Annual Internet Report (AIR) 2020 sets out the trends that will define our global communication networks for the next five years. As the European Commission sets out its strategy for a Europe “fit for the Digital Age,” the report provides insights into how the technology landscape across Europe will rapidly expand to over 2.2 billion mobile devices and 3.6 billion IoT connections by 2023.

January 29, 2020


The U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement Will Help Power Technology

1 min read

Before today’s presidential signing ceremony for the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) implementing legislation (H.R. 5430), I want to take a minute to reflect on the reasons it is a good agreement that will help fuel the digital economy among our three countries. The North America Free Trade Agreement went into effect on January 1, 1994. To […]