
Matt DeNapoli

Developer Advocate - Meraki & CMX

Developer Experience

I started my illustrious Cisco career in 2007 as a wireless support engineer. Over the course of the first 6 years, I worked in many capacities for the Cisco Developer Network, the precursor to today’s DevNet program. Then, in 2013 I helped with the implementation of the DevNet program, acting as systems analyst, a metrics guru, a coder, a teacher, a systems engineer, and a developer evangelist…sometimes all at the same time! I'm proud to represent the DevNet program and inspire current and future developers.


May 23, 2018


Developers Can Bring Location Services Inside Buildings with Mapwize and DevNet

3 min read

The Mapwize SDK enables developers to integrate maps and location services in applications using Cisco's Connected Mobile Experiences (CMX) solution for Cisco Meraki, or Cisco Unified Wireless Networking access points.

January 9, 2018


Kareem and Matt’s Code Party – Holiday Edition (belated)!

4 min read

Yeah, yeah, yeah … sure we’re a few days past the holiday, but Kareem and I were busy regaling with our friends and family, editing video takes time! Here is episode 2 of Kareem and Matt’s Code Party!  For those of you new to the Code Party,  the idea is to capture Kareem and I […]

October 24, 2017


Code Party Is Here! Who Says Coding Can’t be Fun?

5 min read

Welcome, welcome, welcome! Here is the first episode of Kareem and Matt’s Code Party where the idea is to video what we usually do, which is sit around, have a beverage, and talk tech (I know…super nerdy right?). This will be a series so keep your eyes open for new episodes, sample code, and blog […]