Capturing B2B Audiences on Valentine’s Day Using #RealTimeMarketing
On February 14th, it’s hard to keep your mind focused on work. If you’re like me, you were wondering if the flowers, candy, and teddy bear you ordered would get delivered to your wife on time, or if the butcher would have any steaks left by the time you made it to the market after […]
Connecting the Customer Experience Through Social #CiscoListens
2 min read
Integrating Social Media Channels into Existing CRM Systems and Processes The year is 2024, and you just walked into a department store to return a pair of jeans. As you enter the store, the near field communication (NFC) chip in your smartphone tells the store who you are because you have enabled the privacy settings […]
A Social Opportunity is Knocking #CiscoListens
3 min read
A social opportunity was knocking but it was hard to hear, buried under thick layers of social noise and harder to reach by the right people with the right message. Cisco knew customers wanted to engage and were using social media tools to ask questions and share about products and services. But knowing what people […]