Looking Forward to Cisco’s Internal Security Conference: SecCon 2014
1 min read
Cisco’s internal security conference (SecCon) is just around the corner and this year marks our seventh anniversary! In previous years SecCon participants heard from a renowned privacy specialist, a Chief Security Officer from a large customer, a cyber security coordinator for two U.S. Presidents, and a self-described gentleman thief. This year we are delighted to […]
SecCon and the Limits of the Human Mind
4 min read
One of the things I like best about Cisco’s focus on security is the internal SecCon conference we put on each year. It focuses on security threats, defenses, and innovation. Although I participate as a trainer, organizer, and reviewer, my favorite role this year was as an attendee. The conference theme, The State of the […]
A Thief Inside of Cisco? SecCon 2013 San Jose
3 min read
A thief on the loose you say, at Cisco Systems, in San Jose? Turns out he was invited. Apollo Robbins was one of the headliners for Cisco SecCon in San Jose during the first week of December. Mr. Robbins taught us an important lesson about security: seeing is not always believing. Apollo demonstrated the art […]
Commitment and Community: Cisco’s Security DNA
2 min read
This is our final post in the series of SecCon-related articles. This post drives home the point made by Cisco's senior executives at the SecCon conference - security must be pervasive in every aspect of every product we design, develop, and deploy. It’s what our customers expect, and SecCon is one of the major delivery vehicles for creating a unified front within the engineering community as part of Cisco’s evolution towards the “Internet of Everything”.
Security Features vs. Securing Features
3 min read
Here's the fourth in a series of posts revolving around the recently held Cisco SecCon 2012 (December 3-6) security conference. This post zeroes in on the fact that software vendors need to start focusing (more) on the overall security and quality of software, not just on the implementation of security features in products.
Securing Linux Based Products With CSDL
1 min read
Here's the third in a series of posts revolving around the recently held Cisco SecCon 2012 (December 3-6) security conference. The focus of this post is on the Cisco Secure Development Lifecycle (CSDL), Cisco’s approach to building secure products and solutions, and specifically the release of two Cisco documents that have been an integral part of CSDL: “Linux Hardening Recommendations For Cisco Products” and “Product Security Baseline Linux Distribution Requirements."
Let’s Hack Some Cisco Gear at SecCon!
4 min read
Here's the second in a series of posts discussing how Cisco SecCon 2012 (December 3-6) brought together hundreds of engineers, live and virtually, from Cisco offices around the globe with one common goal: to share their knowledge and learn best practices about how to increase the overall security posture of Cisco products.
Cisco Wraps Up 5th Annual SecCon Conference
2 min read
Cisco SecCon is a security conference for Cisco engineers that focuses on two critical elements for a healthy corporate Security intelligence: 1) expansion of knowledge for all and 2) building a sense of community. Cisco recently allocated two days for intensive hands-on security training (held December 3-4), and then provided two general session days(December 5-6) to discuss a variety of security topics.