PCI Compliance

Question: Are you PCI Compliant? Are you Secure? Part 2 of 2

2 min read

Last week, we sat down with Bart McGlothin and Christian Janoff from Cisco’s security team to discuss PCI Security for Retail to better understand “What is PCI Compliance?” and “How does that affect Retailers?” As a quick re-cap: PCI Compliance is a 12-step process to secure credit cards. Any retailer that accepts credit card payments […]

March 28, 2013


Question: Are you PCI Compliant? Are you Secure? Part 1 of 2

3 min read

A common perception is that there is a difference between being secure and being compliant. A Verizon analysis on cybercrime reported that cyber-attacks on Retailers are increasing and becoming streamlined and automated.  According to the 2012 Verizon PCI compliance report, “97% of breaches were avoidable through simple or intermediate controls”. How does a Retailer protect […]

March 14, 2013


PCI-related Observations from RSA 2013

2 min read

The author expresses concern over the apparent fear or lack of knowledge exhibited by attendees of the recently concluded RSA 2013 Conference.

March 13, 2013


Becoming PCI certified…is this within reach?

2 min read

Anyone who has been involved with compliance knows that simplifying complexity is the key to maintaining a secure and compliant organization. It’s become quite apparent that sustaining compliance is a marathon, and the journey must be travelled with vigilance. This is not something that is an endpoint or a task, that once accomplished, can be […]